
Showing posts from October, 2019

To Assist Councilor Logtenberg's Understanding of Subsidizing Net Zero with solar

Councilor Logtenberg you demand the waterfront project be Step 5 Net Zero Councilor Morrison will remember my attempts at educating the city regarding the Community solar garden emails was always signed "an unwilling participant". The solar garden was a fraud, supposed to be fully funded by those opting in, payback in a few years and most if not all thought this was green energy, it actually increased the cities carbon footprint. I have no intention of willingly subsidizing anyones building putting solar panels to meet Step 5 expecting Nelson hydro customers to credit their excess power at full retail so they can cash in their summer credits earned from solar when we don't need that power so they can cash in their credit in winter that I will be paying for. Net Zero - a building that earns as much energy as it uses - Net Zero Might that come from solar power?  Excess summer solar earns credits cashed in winter. Be aware of the National Fire Code for solar pan...

SD8 Let the Students Learn by allowing Access to ALL the Solar Data

               All of this is old, but since the subject has briefly come up, timely to repeat. 10 schools bought a solar panel contract in the Nelson Community solar garden for educational purposes.  The city won't enable the data so one can learn.  I have asked more than once to enable the data.  Both SD8 and the city are aware of my requests.  If the students cannot learn, this waste of public money will continue. SD8 bought into the solar garden so students could learn, they won't turn on the real data so students can learn.  Why won't they turn it on?  Students are smart they might figure things out. l retired from a system that had over 120 remote solar power communication sites, the alternative before solar was flying fuel in helicopters. When I first heard about the solar garden I met with the hydro engineer presenting years of local data showing solar was a waste of money.  He told me the dat...