
Showing posts from September, 2018

BC SOLAR SCAM (short version in pictures)

I AM TRYING TO STOP THE BLEED OF PUBLIC MONEY FOR SOLAR IN BC    Above Nelson BC hydro dam, the only city in western Canada with its own hydroelectric generation and distribution puts solar panels at the dam! Same picture in winter, all reservoirs, our winter batteries for power are depleted The only reason for Site C is to store water for winter power.  ?  I Above the annual monthly Kootenay River water flow, Orange is excess water overflowing from spring runoff in April through High summer water levels. Above an actual Nelson solar system showing month by month annual power almost all of it made when we don't need it  The above from Nelson hydro shows annual consumption I added coloring.  Orange is Nelson hydro generation, blue is water overflowing we don't need power, Red is winter consumption goes up and we buy excess power from Fortis, solar doesn't work. Nelson Community solar garden...


            BC wastes Millions of Public money for Solar ( See the short version in pictures)  click  HERE Fleecing the public spending millions in BC on this  greenwashing fantasy .  Nelson is a great example of this public waste of money.  This applies to all of BC. Nelson is the only city in western Canada with its own hydroelectric generation making clean green waterpower for 2c/kWh and selling for 12c/kWh bringing the city a huge income. The city put 60kW of solar panels at the dam, the mayors green vote. Every kW of public money for solar panels is lost income from selling cleaner greener waterpower. Solar power cannot be stored it must be used when made, intermittent, unreliable and virtually nothing in winter when we need power the most as our water reservoirs, our batteries, draw down. It comes down to a simple concept, CAPACITY FACTOR (CF).  If a hydroelectric plant makes power 24/7/365 its CF is 100...